I said it 4 months ago…Spicer & Bannon

15 08 2017

Four months ago on 16 April I predicted that both Spicer and Bannon were going to be gone soon.   I further predicted Trump would manuever to get them to resign, and would be especially careful how Bannon departed trying to keep him under control one way or another.   What I said then has been playing out this summer and Bannon too is now gone slipping into some new reincarnation having already transformed himself from ideologist to businessman to film-maker to journalist to “strategist” to Presidential brain to….?

This is what I wrote four months ago:

Bannon and Spicer GOING GOING soon GONE

Image result for caricature trump narcissist

Washington Update!  Both Bannon and Spicer are on the way out.  They have both become distractions for super narcissist POTUS Trump — beyond their own bumbling.   What Trump wants is for both of them to resign and go quietly. When it comes to Bannon Trump wants to find a way, any way, that he will not become the super guru of the far-right using his unique “stature” challenging and opposing Trump as he drifts toward both “moderation” and a “war Presidency”.  The later will be Trump’s way of both excusing his domestic failures and trying to rally his base around him and the flag for “patriotic” rather than policy reasons.