3 11 2021

Some years ago Noam Chomsky went uncharacteristically hyperbolic declaring the American Republican Party the worst and most dangerous ever in history. Yes in history! At first this seemed, to be restrained about it, far too assertive and inclusive. Then he explained. Since the USA remains the leading country in the world. Since the world faces catastrophically looming doomsday scenarios literally right around the corner. Since today’s Republican party not only is extremely nationalistic, militaristically, and imperialistically but also ignorant and anti-science, as well as even climate change denying, that party is leading not only it’s own country but the entire world to doom.

What has now happened is not simply a Democratic Party disaster. It is an American disaster and a world disaster with this Chomsky perspective in mind.

On the most crucial issues of our time — of our country and of our world — Obama/Biden was largely a failed Administration with its fingers in the dike of American decline and neo-liberal imperialism. The end result was Trump. Then Biden managed to sneak back in but his is already a failed Presidency in acceleration. What happened yesterday in American politics is the precursor. Soon that worst and most dangerous political party in history will control all branches of the federal American government, as well as most States, at this most fragile and for many reasons escalatingly dangerous time in human history. Trump himself is likely to be back in the White House. or if not him an understudy. Doomsday looms whether from nuclear hypersonic weapons, ecological devastation, or other unleashed threats including biological, cyber, or the demons of AI.

