The Damn American Empire

29 12 2021

With a world Pandemic that has already killed more Americans than all the wars of the past, the American Empire still refuses to adjust, refuses to atone, refuses to acknowledge, and most of all refuses to actually deal with the real dangers to our country, and to our world, and about which we are actually the primary perpetrator. The race toward catastrophic war — whatever the combination of cyber, nuclear, bio, space will be — is escalating, the U.S. Empire the primary provocateur and perpetrator as the Doomsday Clock keeps advancing.

See the source image

But today just a few words about the worldly Pandemic. If the Americans would have repurposed just 1% of the largest military budget just approved, that would have freed up $8 billion, enough to vaccinate the entire world in the year ahead. If the American Empire would have declared a total world war on the Pandemic, and seriously lead the way on an urgent war-footing, not only world our world, but we ourselves in the American Homeland, would be much better protected…and alive.

