31 12 2021

Year changes are symbolic times for reflection about the past as well as forecasts and resolutions about the future.  This departing year is particularly enraging in too many ways to enumerate here.   The year ahead is ominous, also in too many ways to quickly enumerate.

As this New Year dawns, with the added pressures from the raging Pandemic and with the Doomsday clock advancing for multiple reasons, a few personal conclusions: I will no longer be writing as I have for some time. I will rarely be on Facebook or other social media. It’s time to reconsider the overall situation including personal options.

There may be updates at my website —   And here are the opening paragraph of the concluding summary of my perspective, written together with Professor Richard Falk:

(Opening Paragraph)   We dare not delay and defer any longer. We conclude we have a responsibility to make an urgent plea and to express our concerns bluntly, clearly, abandoning prudent language filled with qualifications that academicians and journalists are socialized to make. This is not a time to be held back by professional, social and personal inhibitions. We feel the imperative to forcefully dramatize the dire world situation as we believe it to be, to in effect shout out for clarity, and end emphasis, and yes desperation to be heard. Human civilization and its natural habitat are seriously and immediately imperiled as never before. This precarious reality is impending right now, not in some distant future, and not as a mere possibility. Without immediate drastic and unprecedented actions human civilization itself is precariously poised at the brink of multiple abysses. What we call modern civilization is already unraveling and disintegrating in many places and in many ways…..

(Concluding Paragraph)   What we are saying as loudly and unreservedly as we can is that the truly desperate situation humanity now faces requires demanding that the “old realists” be compelled, one way or another, to be superceded as their continued authority makes them as well wolves at the door leading us all to cataclysmic doom. There is now no other reasonable and sane choice but to insist on urgently pursuing what we are presenting here as a preliminary outline of a Manifesto for Human and Habitat Survival. To do anything less – boldly and urgently — is to remain on the path leading to species suicide.

The full 2200 word article titled Humanity is Doomed Unless… is at:

