9 12 2012

The Doha Climate Summit has just ended in masked disaster.  As usual the criminally-irresponsible nation-states pretend they are making progress, a la failed Kyoto.  As usual the host country, Qatar in this case, the country by the way with the worst per capita envonmental pollution status, desperately tried to present the conference as some kind of success.  But the reality of planet earth’s predicament is that disastrous man-made global warming has already passed the tipping point and humanity should be in a frantic race to try to limit the now likely worldwide climate disasters ahead.

Yes, CRIMINAL CULPABILITY is at hand!  The problem is just whom to hold accountable.  Nations-states that refuse to act with the new laws and billions needed, even as they continue to legitimize planetary pollution and expend far vaster sums on weapons of destruction?   Multi-national Corporations who continue to gorge the super-rich in a few countries while fouling the global environment for the masses and future generations?   Journalists who focus on frivolous mind-numbing “reality shows” showing little sense of proportion or responsibility?  Intellectuals who so incestuously keep talking mostly to themselves inhabiting such a limited sub-world of their own?

It’s all of the above actually!  We are all culpable!  So many of the institutions and organizations we collectively continue to tolerate, even support, are taking us all not to a mythical Mayan cataclysm this month but to a made-by-humans planetary one in the foreseeable future.

Humanity itself is now like the paralyzed deer, standing in place starring at the oncoming danger,  waiting to be run over by our own uncontrolled greed, mindless selfishness, and stupidity!