Joe, Nancy, Chuck desperate to claim victory in defeat

5 11 2021

The aging, confused, failed leadership of the Dem Party — tragically for us all the only alternative to the far more dangerous and actually nutty leadership of the Republican Party — has boxed itself in with few choices. So today in desperation it is pressuring all Dems to try to save the Party with a House vote on both of the infrastructure bills…the really important one already gutted and emasculated by themselves. Worse yet the really important already gutted and emasculated bill then goes to the Senate where the army of lobbyists, working through some of the Senators they bribe and control, will chop and loophole it further before sending it back to the House in take it or leave it fashion.

See the source image

This is precisely what Joe, Nancy, and Chuck repeatedly explicitly promised would not happen. This is precisely what the so-called “progressives” — and there are quite a few of them in the House who are not on-the-take and actually care first about the people of the United States rather than the political/financial class who rule Washington and Wall Street– believed they had been assured would not happen yet are now being forced to sell the country short and sell themselves out.

Yes, we’ve all been outmaneuvered once again by the corrupting lobbyist army and the aging still in the lead Dem politicians in Washington. But even if we were ourselves in the House forced to vote today, the looming prospect that the super-dangerous Republican party will not only take the House and the Senate in 12 months but do so in a big way, as well as put Trump back in the White House in 36 months, as well as further control the Judiciary and the State legislatures, probably means we’d have to close our eyes and raise our hands as Nancy is about to order and get her way today.

