Bernie and “Progressives” Snookered

6 11 2021

Biden, Pelosi and Dem Party misleadership are gloatingly declaring victory this morning! What a shocking outrageously deceptive laugh! They have actually miserably failed at nearly everything. What they did last night they could have done months ago. They’ve been rolled by the Republicans, with Trump, McConnell, and McCarthy totally outmaneuvering them in so many ways. They in turn have rolled Bernie and the “Progressives” totally upending repeated promises and what were said to be ironclad assurances. A few principled and courage Progressives held the line; but that also backfired giving the Republicans claim to being “bi-partisan” by supplying the critical votes in this single situation…but actually another huge misrepresentation, deception, and lie the Dems themselves are helping force-feed the American public.

Very little credibility left for the Dem Party misleadership. Clinton brought on Bush/Cheney. Obama/Biden brought on Trump. Now at accelerating speed clumsy Joe and his second string team of bumblers is bringing on total Trump Republican Party control of all branches of the U.S. government. The America and the world as we have known it is in more danger than ever; survival itself now in serious doubt.

