Cesspool of Lies and Deceptions

7 11 2021

The Republican Party specializes in outright lies and gimmickry — most recently “Critical Race Theory” which is actually quite historical and instructive but isn’t even taught anywhere in the public schools in Virginia.

The Democratic Party specializes in crafty deceptions — most recently what a great victory they achieved Friday night with the infrastructure legislation which first of all could have been passed months ago and second of all is hardly what it is touted to be. In fact, the new yearly amount which simply begins to fix critically deficient transportation infrastructure is less than the yearly additional amount that has been recently added to the Pentagon/CIA/Homeland Security budget.

See the source image

Then of course both parties use their grossly corporate financed and rewarded media outlets to incessantly propagandize the population. In the end the American people are grossly mis-served by the extremely corrupted political/economic system they have been socialized all their lives to take for granted and more and more ridiculously has them still believing they are the exceptional god-ordained “home of the brave and land of the free”.

