COP26 Disaster

14 11 2021

COP26 is a huge failure. Much of the world is on fire, at the same time in other places much of the world is deluged with unprecedented floods. Code Red is Flashing. The Doomsday clock has never been closer to midnight, Temperature rise is already some 2 degrees Fahrenheit, and in the lifetime of those now in school may well get to 5 degrees, along with ocean seas rising more than a meter. Even the U.N. Secretary-General is trying to scream and shout that we humans are digging our own graves while not quite lamenting the impotence of the failed U.N. Institution he oversees.

Remember now, just ended is the 26th U.N. Climate conference. Yet after each one we humans are still pouring more Carbon and Methane into the air than the year before, still treating the natural environment as a toilet, still allowing the fossil fuel corporations to thrive, still pouring tremendous amounts of money and talent into weapons of war with far far less going toward ecological and planetary survival.

Hundreds of thousands of the young are putting on creative elaborate skits to dramatize climate destruction and vehemently demonstrating against all the totally inadequate speeches and resolutions.

And get this, this disastrouly failed U.N. Climate Conference did decide something. That is that the next major U.N. Climate Conference in a few years is going to be held in and paid for by the absurdly profligate United Arab Emirates!

