Clinton, Epstein, Andrew, and Ghislaine

15 11 2021

Ghislaine Maxwell is now going on trial. She’s still alive unlike her father, likely assassinated at sea by the Mossad he had worked for as a super agent much of his life but who became too dangerous for what he threatened to reveal, and unlike her “boyfriend” Jeffrey Epstein, likely assassinated in max security prison for what he and others might reveal soon before is upcoming trial.

Ghislaine knows a great deal, but far less than Epstein, and all the proof in writing and in video may already be destroyed. Her own credibility is now nearly totally sullied and few are willing or able to help her at this point. Plus she comes after Weinstein and America’s Dad Cosby, on top of others destroyed but not imprisoned including Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose. so the salaciousness of it all has already been watered down.

Even so there are big former players on the world stage who must be shaking with further anxiety — Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew at the top of that list but hardly the only ones. But who knows who has been bought of and turned. It will be so interesting what the prosecutors and the defense lawyers raise, and ask, and most importantly avoid.

At 59, the Ghislaine of today is a far cry from the glamorous woman who was once a fixture on the international social scene, where she mingled with world leaders such as Bill and Hillary Clinton and was close friends with royalty, including Prince Andrew. Today, the designer outfits have been replaced by the shapeless overalls of prisoner 02879-509. (Above, Ghislaine with Epstein and Bill Clinton in 1993)

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