Thanksgiving 2021 – Band-Aids, Threats, and Lies

25 11 2021

With all the bitterness and angst in today’s America, Americans comparatively remain quite well off, even though collectively narcissistic with an ever expanding poor class, shrinking middle class, and improperly minimally taxed rich class. Yet still, comparatively, Americans have so much to be thankful for. That said, the American political system is increasingly dysfunctional, systemically corrupt, decaying, yet constantly reinforced with deception and hysteria.

See the source image

This overall situation didn’t start with Donald Trump; though he greatly exacerbated it. And this situation applies to today’s Biden/Dem government as well, one which is actually quite a continuation of what came with Obama, and Clinton before him.

BAND-AID maneuvers: The latest among so many is Biden’s “release” of oil from the “strategic stockpile” to lower prices. First of all this has only been done before in times of war and disaster, never to lower prices. Second it’s not even a good band-aid, it’s all a public relations Thanksgiving-time stunt — Just two days worth of oil is being “released” and even that should not be. There’ a reason for the “strategic stockpile” and this is not it!

FOREIGN POLICY THREATS AND LIES – Far too many to even begin to list. The American political/governing/financial/foreign policy system is grounded in threats to those abroad and lies to those at home. At the moment, to further gorge and empower the CIA-Pentagon-Corporate Complex, the Biden war-hawks are escalating more fear of China and Russia — this on top of the never-ending “War on Terrorism” they created. They are doing so by dropping more economic bombs (termed sanctions) in so many places, by escalating foreign military bases surrounding China and Russia (termed containment), by greatly expanding super weapons production and sales, and by very much trying to simultaneously defame and provoke both Moscow and Beijing.

