Biden’s latest Democracy Scam

10 12 2021

Biden/Blinken and the Dem Party Neo-Lib Warhawks have actually bombed out with this so-called Summit for Democracy As Biden delivered the opening address just 175 people were on the live White House video fed, no more than a hundred more at any time as he spoke.

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Then last night, none of the major TV networks nor the BBC even mentioned the Democracy Summit in their opening round-ups of the major stories of the day. Only American State Television (better known as PBS) played it up on the News Hour.

Both Russia and China used the occasion to severely bash the escalating flaws in American democracy — of which there are so many. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has in fact improved considerably in how they hype the inadequacies, hypocrisies, and duplicities of the American Empire. Indeed, even the majority of young Americans in a major recent poll now believe American democracy does not work and more and more actually advocate the once taboo term Socialism.

As for the additional hundreds of millions of dollars Biden/Blinken used the occasion to announce would go to promoting independent journalism, that’s quite a scam in itself. The Americans are desperate to actually further undermine truly independent journalism at home and abroad, which they now have more money to use to do so. And ironically, today, as the Democracy Summit concludes, comes the horrible news that the American plot to destroy Julian Assange and Wikileaks, designed of course to frighten all independent journalists throughout the world, is proceeding to have Assange extradicted to the U.S. and face life in the American Gulag.

