Super Biden Hypocrisy

11 12 2021

Yesterday 10 December 2021. It was the United Nations International Human Rights Day. It was also the concluding day of Joe Biden’s faux so-called Summit of Democracy. Ironically it was also the day the British Courts agreed to a U.S. appeal that Julian Assange can be extradicted to the U.S. Now the super hypocrisy;

See the source image

The U.S. itself is guilty of so many human rights violations at home as well as atrocities abroad — past and present.

The so-called Summit for Democracy was both diversion and facade attempting to pretend the U.S. and friends are the champions of Democracy and the rest of the world, most especially the two other major powers, are the evils. Furthermore Biden and Blinken used this event as the launching pad to devote hundreds of millions more U.S. government money to twisting quasi-independent media to cooperate with the U.S. and to undermine other international media that is influenced by other governments.

Assange. And this is the giant hypocrisy. When Biden came into office he could have not pursued the appeal and after a decade of persecution and imprisonment let go of Assange. But no…Biden chose to defy basic international human rights and until now basic freedom of the press and further destroy Assange in order to greatly repress press freedom worldwide. Down the road Biden may come to regret this when Assange is in prison awaiting trial in the U.S. as the protests and exposure of American complicities, and Biden hypocrisies, will be endless.

