Confederation of Israel and Palestine? Be warned!

14 12 2021
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Hmmm….what is this all about? This so-called organization — Israeli Palestinian Confederation — which has of late stepped up promoting itself is actually a tricky Zionist plot/deception/diversion. It is not, as it promotes itself, a thoughtful novel new way of looking at and justly resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — that’s just the come-on sloganeering. It is a cleverly masked Zionist front organization which in reality under-the-table attempts to legitimize and promote acceptance and justification for what the Israelis have done in totally subjugating and splintering Palestine, in implementing a worse-than-apartheid reality in the once “Holy Land”, and with the Israeli/U.S. creation, financing, and arming, of a sub-occupation force known as “The Palestinian Authority”. This is by design, no matter how much founder Josef Avesar, an Israeli long-living in the U.S., claims otherwise, purposefully designed to deflect talk and attention away from the real issues into an endless, fruitlessly, legalistic mumble-jumble deception, diversion, and public relations masquerade. It is another attempt to buy still more time for the Israelis to further enlarge their settlements and de facto annex all of historic Palestine, covering it all up under a facade of grossly hypocritical language about peace, democracy, equal rights, and secular values.

The bottom line of this so far very marginal but potentially dangerous front organization — which incidentally has the cooperation of some of the most crafty Zionist operatives among them Alan Dershowitz, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Alon Ben-Meir, and Dennis Ross — is more public relations chicanery and Zionist diversion and duplicity. Avesar, and whoever is really behind this Conferderacy scheme promoting and financing it, have managed to hood-wink and mislead some serious personalities into dialoguing with him in what he calls “simulations”; and that in fact must be his goal for he surely knows that his plan/plot will never amount to anything other than being such a diversion from the real critical issues. And thus it should be not just avoided and shunned, but exposed and condemned.

