FBI about to further sully itself?

3 10 2018

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It was a Scam Hearing which only at the last minute, by one Senator not running for reelection, was partially saved from totally debasing the very idea of thorough investigation.   Now there is what may in the end be a Fake FBI investigation.  So far it is something controlled by the White House which refuses to release the limited instructions given the FBI for what the Republican-controlled Senate insists is just a fast and limited  supplementary background check.  Contemptuously they have scheduled to vote before even receiving it and they are not going to let anyone else even see it!

The FBI itself is now in considerable danger of further sullying itself.   This is an Institution which still lauds the name of J. Edgar Hoover on its front door!    Add to that that Trump fired the past Director who refused to totally pledge him allegiance and installed his own not that long ago.

IF the FBI conducts just a “limited” investigation under secret orders from the White House and the Republican Senate, and if a significant summary of it’s report under these circumstances is not made public, then one more critical part of the government fabric of the American republic — along with the Congress, the Presidency, and Supreme Court — will have further squandered it’s authority and credibility.

If that’s what happens and Kavanaugh is rammed onto the court, then the Fourth Estate and NGOs will have to continue digging, investigating, and revealing until those who have so crassly, and often illegally, abused their powers are brought down one way or another.

