CNN – extreme pro-Israel bias

7 12 2018

Image result for caricature cnn and israel

CNN’s abrupt firing of Prof Marc Lamont for his most well-prepared and thoughtful speech at the U.N. offers up a special moment of challenge for the rest of us.

It’s an awkward comparison but the Saudis have been severely repressing, torturing and killing for a long time; but it took the brutal Khashoggi assassination to bring them to their defining moment.

CNN has been a very pro-Israel network from the start not only employing a host of pro-Israel anti-Palestinian persons but continually refusing to let accomplished others with seriously critical views of Israel on the air.

One great but forgotten example of the extreme pro-Israel CNN orientation is one of their stars, Wolf Blitzer, who was tasked to the network in the early days after working for the Israel Lobby in Washington and a Zionist newspaper in Israel.

A few mornings ago as I watched CNN the commentators repeatedly used yiddish words over and over describing what’s going on in Washington –  Bubkiss, Ohvey, Mentsh, Facacht,  shmuz,  among they.

What has happened with Marc Lamont could be, and should be, the news hook for other media to take a long look at CNN and it’s extreme pro-Israel anti-Palestinian biases.

