Treacherous False Flag America!

14 06 2019

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With history our guide — recent as well as past — it’s far more likely that the U.S. and it’s regional enforcers, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and it’s many proxies and mercenaries, conspired to yesterday attack the tankers in the Gulf than the Iranians they are blaming.

Even in recent years — and these are just a few of the things we’ve found out about — the US, UK, Israel, and Saudi Arabia have perpetrated the gas attacks and White Helmet false flag fiascos in Syria.  Before that the false flags and deceptions in Libya leading to Qaddafi’s brutal assassination and another country’s destruction.   Back in history of course there are Gulf of Tonkin and Remember the Maine among so many others.

The extreme Zionists, in league now as never before with the extreme Neocons and Evangelicals, keep maneuvering for the war of their dreams to take down Iran, Lebanon and Palestine while cowering everyone else into submission if not obedience.  With such a compliant and controlled western media when it comes to foreign affairs, they are getting close to their long-time goal.