Trump admits Russia helped get him elected!

30 05 2019

Trump Tweet Screw-Up:  Admission “Russia helping me to get elected” quickly deleted but then retweeted!


29 05 2019


RIGHT ON CHINA!    Screenshot 2019-05-29 08.26.40.png


Trump and Bibi’s Mega Maga Threats

27 05 2019

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To Iranian President Rouhani: “Never ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before,” Trump tweeted last July 22 in all CAPS.

“If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again,” Trump further tweeted 19 May.

Bibi of Israel, the extreme Zionist Neocons (Bolton), the extreme Zionist Evangelicals (Pompeo), and the Kushner/Friedman/Greenblatt triumvirate, are all combined manipulating Trump into an extremely dangerous, destructive, immoral, and totally unnecessary regional war in the Middle East with targets: Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine.

“War Everywhere!”

26 05 2019

“We’d be in war everywhere if it was up to this guy”

John Bolton is bad news

“This guy”?   So POTUS Trump privately unleashed a few days ago about the “guy” he made his National Security Adviser, the super-neocon extreme-Zionist mega-bomber, carefully-mustached, Sheldon Adelson-protege, John Bolton.

But remember now Trump is actually the manipulated party, not the great manipulator he professes himself to be.   Bolton is positioned as foreign-policy Machievelli because of Adelson, Netanyahu, Kushner, and the Israeli/Jewish AIPAC Lobby.   It is they, and their Bolton-in-Chief, who know what they are doing and where they are taking Trump, not the other way around.

Time to stop Facebook

25 05 2019

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In most cases government intervention should be last resort.   Traditional anti-trust is one exception.   And in this new internet era preventing mega corporations like Amazon and Facebook from exploiting their domination in one area from using all their money and clout from gobbling up other unassociated areas may be another.

Case in point:  Facebook which has just announced it is going to launch a new global financial currency soon.   This should not be allowed.   And if U.S. laws can’t prevent it maybe it’s time for organizations like Tencent and Alibaba and maybe even government-sponsored media organizations like RT to either do the same to enhance rather than squelch competition, or even for their governments to find ways to step in.

AOC whips up her supporters

24 05 2019

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just blew the roof off of the building with an epic speech. Turn up the volume!

Russia smartly expanding further internet outreach

22 05 2019

The Russians under Putin have been very smart in how they have approached the international information situation.   Some may call it info wars, others like myself may see it as an understandable reaction to U.S. attempts for many years to control, twist, and spin information to their advantage.   RT and RT America are of course the flagship Russian attempts to spread their influence, ideas, and maybe most importantly new and counter information.   In most cases they’ve done so very professionally including hiring many top-notch Americans to be their own journalists, presenters and in noteable cases to host their own programs.  “Question More” is the RT motto and indeed they have made extremely good use of it.

There are many other Russian-sponsored efforts using the Internet. Sputnik at the top of that list.    One of the newest is STRATEGIC CULTURE —   Here this new Russian-created and financed operation has been reaching out to American writers and analysts who can’t get into American publications, offering them small amounts to write exclusive articles.   Another smart move.  And some excellent articles, many much better and more on target when it comes to geo-strategic affairs than you will find in WaPo or NYTimes.

Trump “Crazy”

21 05 2019

“In his mind, Trump thinks he has a gun to Iran’s head with sanctions and he is trying to shut down our economy.   This is all in his imagination. Now he wants us to call him? This is a crazy president!…  Trump is not quite balanced and stable in his decision making, so we are dealing with a confused White House. Iran receives various signals which show that no one knows who owns the White House…. Trump’s tweets are self-contradictory.” 

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Director of foreign affairs in Iran Parliament

Trump Opens Fire on Congress

20 05 2019

Not so Great America

19 05 2019

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China to take aim at Apple and Big Mac?

18 05 2019

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Time for China to play hardball?   How about some restrictions on Apple “technology” and sales, and on Big Mac/Kentucky Fried overweight indulgence?  Sure some in China will miss such American goodies; but most will be glad to see their China standing up to the American bully and besides there are plenty of alternatives these days to these American staples as Starbucks is already aware.

And, if the Trumpees rachet things up further, maybe it’s time to further restrict General Motors as well as it is selling more of some models now in China than it is back home!

U.S. declares war of civilizations against China

16 05 2019

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A high-ranking State Department official, it may have been Pompeo himself, has described China as “a really different civilization” and the first “great power competitor that is not Caucasian”.   Trump’s former Chief Strategist has screamed out in a major Washington Post Op Ed declaring that we are in an economic war with China in a “geopolitical struggle” against a “radical cadre of the Chinese Communist system”   The world is “half slave and half free” according to Steve Bannon and the super imperialist neocons, among whom is Trump’s current National Security Adviser Bolton.

Now that we’re in a real ideological and existential clash of civilizations, if you believe the rhetoric and threats of the Trumpees, expect the Chinese to step up their game and prepare for all eventualities, including War in the Pacific ignited in Taiwan or North Korea, and even limited world war fought with cyber and space weapons, in addition to economic bombs, and maybe even the final war Einstein and others warned about at the dawn of the nuclear age.

The Iranians, DPRK, Chinese and Palestinians are right

14 05 2019

American corporations perpetrate an economic form of imperialism.

The country to be trusted the least and feared the most is non other than the U.S.A.   In all the negotiations underway these days the Iranians, DPRK, Chinese, Palestinians, Venezuelans, Cubans, Yemenis, Iraqis and so many others are very right not to trust and to despise the Americans.   The “exceptional” country, going back to it’s origin days with the Indians and slaves, has a terrible history of deceit, treachery, lies, and broken agreements; not to mention extreme militarism with untold blood on its hands from it’s founding through this very day.

In the case of the Iranians for instance, not only have they scrupulously lived up to their  agreement, they have shown considerable restraint and tact in putting up with ongoing American attempts to undermine their 1979 revolution time and time again.  The Americans undid the earlier revolution of 1953 and then kept the brutal Shah in power till 1979 when he fled to them in exile.  Then the Americans and Israelis fomented the Iraqi invasion trying to topple the revolution in its early days and has tried plots and coups and sanctions ever since.

A few years ago the JCPOA agreement wasn’t made with the Americans alone, it was made with the world.   The major nations were all involved in the negotiations, and then the agreement was unanimously endorsed by the U.N. Security Council.   Furthermore, it is not Iran which has a vast stockpile of nuclear weapons in the region, but rather America’s super ally Israel, as well as neighboring Pakistan and India.

Iran deserves the thanks and protection in fact of everyone at this point.  What’s wrong with the U.N.?   Why is it not stepping forward to reinforce the JCPOA, condemn any country which violates it, and if the Security Council this time is blocked by the Americans, take this vital matter under the Uniting for Peace procedure to the General Assembly and at least demonstrate in the most visible ways possible that the U.S. is isolated, acting unlawfully, and most of the world will not stand for it!

Yes indeed more serious and forceful counter-measures are now needed in a world where the Americans are running wild even more than in the past, now fomented by the convergence of the extreme Neocons, Evangelicals, Zionists, imperialists, and militarists.   Tragically however this means that both Russia and China especially need to even further accelerate their own military capabilities to try to contain, deter, and if required counter-threaten the Americans.

Time for China to respond, but asymmetrically

13 05 2019

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China has more than $1.2 trillion in U.S. Treasury Bonds.  Through serious historic fiscal mismanagement the Americans are in need of borrowing even more this year and in the years ahead.  The Trumpees want the Fed to keep interest rates super low not only to keep the U.S. economy artificially stimulated as the next Presidentiali election approaches, but also to keep the interest paid on the overall $22+ trillion debt low.

So China, it’s time to respond, and please do so in your usually low-key but firm way.  No need for any announcements in fact.   Just start slowly reducing your holdings of U.S. debt.   Do this in two ways.   First each month buy just a little less of new debt, just a few percent less every month.   Second as previous debt purchases run their course and mature no longer buy new debt to replace the old but rather slowly each month trickle debt redemption.

Taking these steps will slowly cause the cost of further U.S. borrowing, which is baked into Trump economics, to go up and will cause the interest paid on new U.S. debt to slowly increase.

Yes the Americans will further countermove.    But see this as an opportunity.   To be blunt about it, you can’t rely on the U.S. anymore.  The Americans are bringing about their own demise, so just let them.  There’s a whole big world out there.   Further expand your One Belt and One Road even faster.   Further your trade and investment relations with Europe and Russia and what we use to call “the third world”.   Find other countries -especially the UK, Germany, France, and Russia as well – for more of your students to go to universities.   Encourage your citizens to visit and tour countries other than the U.S.

Don’t do these things with a belligerent tone.   Do them quietly and politely but get on with this and let the Americans know China is not going to be bullied as they have gotten so spoiled to doing to everyone for so long.

And while you are at it, start buying more Iranian oil, work more closely with North Korea, and in coordination with your Russian ally take further steps in Venezuela and other Latin American and African countries as well.

Of course you’ve been forced by the Americans to considerably expand your military deterrent capabilities.   Expand that further as well.  But make sure not to get sucked into military conflicts in the Middle East or beyond your own close-to-home sphere of influence areas.  Soon, but not yet, you will have sufficient military power — which now also means cyber and space and covert capabilities — to deter the Americans from even war-gaming attacks on you.

And one more very important thing.   Please know that many Americans realize their own country needs to be held back and contained.  Yes we know you’ve got lots of problems of your own and we are rather concerned by the excessively repressive policies on your home front.  But right now we’re talking geo-politics and preventing world conflagration — so move calmly but firmly with regard to the dangerous and self-endangered U.S.A.

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America the Sick and Unbeautiful

13 05 2019

BOLTON – Extreme Neocon Zionist War Criminal

12 05 2019

Bottom Line:  On behalf of Israel, Adelson, the military-industrial complex, and the hard-line Neocons, Bolton is leading Trump into even worse unending wars with considerable help from Pompeo and the extreme Zionist Evangelicals.   Bolton, who could not get confirmed by the Senate for his temporary role at the U.N. years ago, would have a hard time getting confirmed for any major position even now and even with the Republican Senate, which is why he was put into the NSC job which does not require confirmation or accountability.

Mueller done in by Trump

11 05 2019

Trump outlasted and outfoxed Mueller and the rest of us.   The interview never took place.   Mueller’s Report was castrated and woefully spun by Trump and his operatives.  The Dems are on the defensive, confused, scared, and heading toward more and many defeats, including in 2020.   And even Mueller’s long-hyped testimony is likely to be totally blocked, and/or severely restricted, and actually he probably wants that for his own reasons without being able to say so.

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War! War! War!

10 05 2019

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The U.S. is at military war throughout the Middle East and now aiming to add Lebanon, Iran, Palestine and beyond.   Not to mention the still escalating huge arms sales to the Saudis, Gulf countries, Israel, and beyond and thus the extreme complicity in the additional wars in Yemen and beyond.   Not to mention military preparations for Venezuela if all the CIA plotting and economic torturing doesn’t do their trick.

The U.S. is at economic war — dropping ever bigger sanctions, financial, and strangulation bombs wantonly far and wide.   Beyond North Korea and Venezuela this includes bombs against the other aspiring multi-polar powers Russia and China; with threats even to sanction American allies like Turkey and Europeans if they trade with Iran or even buy energy or special electronic from Russia or China.

The U.S. is at covert and cyber war with much of the world even more than in the past.  The CIA and NSA are constantly spying,  threatening and coercing, plotting coups and “regime changes”.

Bottom Line:  That others in the world are trying to protect themselves with counter-measures is quite justified after such blatant American military, political, and economic imperialism.

Bolton – Super Hawk Super Dangerous

9 05 2019

Bolton, protege of Sheldon Adelson and Netanyahu, has been tasked as their representative to ignite a major regional war that will take down Israel’s enemies and assure Israeli/US/Saudi dominance of the region for decades to come.   That’s been the plan for some time now, and super neocon Bolton, working with super Evangelical Pompeo, working with super Zionist Kushner, is closer to the Israeli goals than ever.


Human Extinction ahead?!

8 05 2019

Multiple Choice Question:  What is more important?

  • Michael Cohen reports to prison (big picture on top)
  • US says China reneges on trade commitments
  • Shifting definition of ‘electability’
  • Dems going to charge Barr with contempt
  • Trump honors Woods (big picture)
  • Extinctions put humans at grave risk landmark U.N. report warns

For the Washington Post the last choice, which is oh so obviously the most important, just manages to get  lower front-page mention while all the other choices get played up much more a few with big pictures.

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6 05 2019

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I have thought and said for some time now that I was doubtful Mueller would publicly testify before Congress.  It’s always risky to put such thoughts in writing for if and when proven wrong it’s embarrassing.   But even so I’ll do so again today.

Both Trump and Barr want everything to have been ended with Barr’s testimony before the Republican led Senate and the Lindsay Graham led committee.     Despite what they have said I believe they are maneuvering to block and/or restrict Mueller as well as McGahn and everyone else.

Mueller himself probably does not want to testify but also does not want to appear to not want to do so.   Mueller has saluted to higher and Republican authorities all his life and knows only that way of operating, which is why he was selected in the first place and why he wrote the report the way he did.  It’s like when Colin Powell was delegated to go before the U.N. Security Council to make the case for what became the invasion of Iraq because of the non-existent “weapons of mass destruction”.   Powell was the one with maximum credibility at the time for that role; just as Mueller was the one with maximum credibility to take on the role of Special Counsel.

Mueller has already made two unforgiveable decisions:

First he abrogated his responsibility to demand that Trump appear in person before his investigation rather than give written responses nearly all of which said he didn’t remember.

Second of course it was his job to reach a conclusion with regard to the major charge of Obstruction of Justice, though then he had to leave it to the Justice Department to decide whether and how to prosecute and the Congress to decide whether and how to impeach.  In this historic matter Mueller failed allowing two Trump appointees, Rosenstein and Barr, to then “land the plane” safely for their boss.

We’re going to know soon!   Stay tuned!


Dangerous Facebook and Zuck

5 05 2019

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Facebook and Zuckerberg are now officially “dangerous”.   By taking it on themselves to decide who among all of us is “dangerous” and “hateful” and “anti-Semitic” Facebook and Zuck have themselves becomes a significant and growing danger.  By unilaterally deciding who it will “allow” on “it’s” platform and who it will overnight remove and banish Facebook itself is now the danger it was originally designed to prevent — big-brother and big-media censorship.   So it’s time for all of us to reevaluate.

Mueller Failed in one unforgiveable way

4 05 2019

True, his mandate was limited. Also true he has been a saluting Republican operative all his life.

Mueller’s unforgivable failure is not that he didn’t reach conclusions as everyone expected.   In fact it seems to have come as quite a shock to Barr and Rosenstein that the Mueller Report didn’t reach the conclusion there had been “Obstruction of Justice”.   It was quite a shock to the White House as well which for months had been working on their rebuttal report which in the end they decided was surprisingly not necessary.

Mueller’s unforgivable failure was that he didn’t demand that Trump himself answer the many questions under oath in front of the Grand Jury or in some other way in person.

True, it’s very rare indeed where there is a legal proceeding where it is possible to demand Presidential testimony.   This was such a proceeding and there is ample precedent for requiring the President to do so…just think back not too long ago to Bill Clinton and the perjury testimony that led to his impeachment over far far far less weighty matters.

Now we’re going to see if the Trumpees prevent Mueller from public testimony and/or considerably restrict him.   Mueller himself remains quite silent.  Will he continue saluting or will he attempt to actually defend the Constitution and the Country by defying those he has saluted all his life?



CONGRESS failing the Nation and the Constitution

3 05 2019

So much happening in Washington, in the White House, in the Congress, and in the Courts.    But with all the smoke the big fires are being allowed to burn:   Climate, national debt, crumbling America, nuclear/space/super arms race, and WAR prep!

Lots to say about the growings of serious regional even world war preparations.  The debate is not whether to move the Doomsday Clock back from the brink, but to advance it beyond 2 minutes to midnight where it has never been before!

The Congress is abdicating responsibility to deal with the big fires.  Take Venezuela.  Just the other day the Secretary of State made the most direct war threat ever.  He said quite clearly that if all the other covert war measures fail – the CIA plots, economic bombs, and media propaganda – the U.S. will militarily invade Venezuela.  Indeed the Trumpees have been trying to provoke and/or create an excuse to do so for some time.

The decision to go to war is Constitutionally vested in the Congress.   But here once again and oh so blatantly the Congress is AWOL.   Even the military is resisting the Trumpees with a top General the other day refusing to give the White House the war plans Trump/Bolton/Pompeo are demanding.   It’s time for the Congress to say NO and STOP the Trumpees before it’s too late for us all.

Barr! What a F*** Up!

2 05 2019

Barr has proven himself oh so publicly now to be why lawyers and lobbyists in Washington are so despised as the worst of the worst.   So many of them (not all but quite a few) are do disingenuous, deceptive, self-serving, and morally corrupted — however much they play the system maneuvering through the legal loopholes specifically crafted for them by their cohorts to scam the country.

Former CIA, former Justice Department, former private attorney, Barr — now Trump’s point man after in the wings for just such a position — has made himself the face of all these despicable terms.   The House should now subpoena him over and over, hold him in contempt, quite possibly refer him for perjury, and force him into civil litigation with fines and punishments for every thing he now does to impede and defy Congressional investigations.

So far the President himself is beyond reach — though some of those closest to him in the past are already in prison with more to come — and there’s no doubt impeachment cries out for implementation.   But Barr is not beyond reach and he should be forced to lawyer-up himself now and be made an example as well as made to pay.