Coup! Treason! Spies! Civil War! Arrest! Solitary Confinement!

2 10 2019

Image result for caricature dangerous trump    Trump is lashing out with dark foreboding threats as never before….even for deranged him!   He’s screaming about arresting whistle-blowers, White House “spies” and even Congressmen.  He’s prepping his base with outlandish charges of “coup” and “Civil War”!  He’s ordering scorched-earth tactics by his top generals – Guiliani, Barr, Pompeo, and Miller – including total definance of historic Constitutionally-mandated Impeachment Inquiry subpoenas.   He’s being met head-on now, finally, with fast-escalating impeachment charges, including Obstruction of Congress a la Nixon as well as Obstruction of Justice, with one House Committee Chair even declaring:  “Impeachment is not good enough for Trump!  He needs to be imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement!”

