Mad Dog and Psychopath Kill

31 01 2017

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Obama started it — extrajudicial killing even of Americans without charges, trial, or defense.   He ordered American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen in 2011.  Days later he ordered more drone killings, this time including al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son.  Just days after taking office the Mad Dog General now heading up the Pentagon for certifiably psychopathic Trump ordered commando forces to attack in Yemen killing many civilians including al-Awlaki’s now 8-year-old daughter.  All done by Presidential orders without any involvement of Congress or courts.   All claimed to be “justified” and “necessary” with one excuse or another or to be “collateral damage.”   And then the Americans wonder why they are so hated and despised; not to mention how and why they have created and spawned so many what they simply label as “terrorists” while they themselves are the most blatant killers far and wide.

American Fascism

30 01 2017

History moves on…movements, references, analogies, metaphors morph with the times.   But even so we use them to abbreviate messages, to clarify thinking, and to make known concerns.   And so it can be said Fascism has now come to America.

INFO WARS! Remember Orwell!

28 01 2017

“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”

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27 01 2017

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Putin and Trump are going to have a phone talk tomorrow.   Looks like it has been hastily arranged to deflect attention from the Mexican President cancelling his Trump visit as well as all of Trump’s lies, bullying and bluster.   Actually Trump wanted to meet Putin in Reykjavik, Iceland, and by doing so parrot the Reagan-Gorbachev meeting there back in 1986.  But Putin refused sending his spokesman out to say such a meeting would require months of preparations…a clear signal Trump is not trusted and a masked signal that Trump is understood to be a dangerous psychopath.   Furthermore, now, right after the limited phone talk is agreed to, Putin has orchestrated worldwide headlines using Gorbachev to declare he is now worried that the world (i.e., Trump and his fellow-travelers) is “preparing for war”.

Worst Start Ever!

24 01 2017

Trump’s inauguration was the least attended in modern history.  Not only were few non-ticketed persons on the Mall.   The metro was like a normal regular day (totally in contrast to the next day of the Women’s March)!   There were 50x more portable bathrooms than needed (not exaggerating!).  The ticketed reviewing stands for the parade on Pennsylvania Avenue were half empty (not exaggerating as I was there and was able to get a top row best-view seat just minutes before the parade started).   Add to this a huge police and military presence — some 35,000 “security personnel”.

Then Trump grand-standed and lied about the crowd in a rather despicable way at the CIA.   Further (we learned since) he stacked the first three rows with his own people clapping and cheering.

Then the Trumpies pooh-poohed the Women’s March which brought FAR FAR FAR more people to Washington to protest Trump rather than applaud him the day before.

Then Trump again personally claimed he had the greatest attendance of any Presidential inaugural.

Then Trump had his new Press Secretary call a most unusual late Saturday Press Briefing where he smacked down the Press for reporting what had actually happened, including the numbers, yet after the press had impromptu assembled refused to take any questions at all.

Then in a series of unprecedentedly contentious Sunday Talk Show interview Trump sent his new White House “Counselor”, the former Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway, out to do unprecedented verbal battle over the lies and bullying Trump himself has become known for as businessman, candidate, President-elect, and now POTUS himself!

Simply put – WORST START EVER for a new American President!



CRAP! Trump’s “Middle East Peace” Plans

22 01 2017

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“If you can’t produce peace in the Middle East, nobody can!”  So saeth Trump the night before his inauguration speaking adoringly in public to and about about his Orthodox Jew, Super Zionist, anti-Muslims/Arabs son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who will be right next to him in the White House in charge of “Middle East Peace” and Israel!

Trump’s Cabinet is composed of War Criminal Generals, White Christian Racists, Zionist extremists, Multi Billionaires, and a combination of alt-right and Neocon Mega Imperialists.  Expect worse than the worst!    As for Kushner far more likely the Trump Admin is going to blow up the “Peace Process” and much of the region, and maybe much of the world, than “produce peace in the Middle East.”  Indeed, as so much else that Trump trumpets, not a chance he can or will deliver!


21 01 2017

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“America First!  America First!”  So sayeth, so demandeth, the new psychopathic POTUS of America.

Reality is however quite different.   America will never again be great (long story).   The world, most especially China and Russia, but also so many of the people of joint planet earth, will no longer accept and tolerate a rogue America invading, bombing, destroying, killing, threatening, bullying far and wide.

It’s a new world indeed!   And we are all about to find out what happens when a psychopathic President and his combination of Neocon and Alt-Right henchman meet resistance and defiance and counter-measures as never before.


20 01 2017


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“I think there was a conspiracy that helped get him elected.   I do not see him as a legitimate President”

Congressman John Lewis

Had it not been for Russia, Wikileaks, the FBI Director, Weiner, and hubby Bill scandals, all on top of the emails, she who got 2.7 million more votes than he would be becoming President of the United States today.  Thank you John Lewis for giving us the appropriate term to use.

P.S.  And thank you John Lewis as well for your extraordinary testimony about Trump’s choice for Attorney General that all the Senators but one refused to listen to — that too was very powerful.


19 01 2017
Only three official Inaugural Balls, smallest number in memory.  Ball tickets for just $50.   Hotel rooms available and lots of unsold/rented Inaugural Dresses.  Rumors there may be more protestors than supporters!   That’s the reality of the Trump Inaugural…not many coming…though no doubt in the end he will hype/tweet it as “great and tremendous and wonderful”.   The protestors will be the greatest number in history for an Inaugural while the celebrants among the smallest numbers.   Trump is even now plugging “the bikers” who are coming to defend him from the protestors telling all they are really “tough guys” and seeming to suggest confrontation.  Things are so bad that the Trump/Pence people are taking to advertising on Facebook and social media with the following “sponsored content”:
Sponsored ·  Mike Pence  — Would you like an invite to the Inaugural Welcome Concert and Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremony?   President-elect Trump wants to personally invite you to the Inaugural Welcome Concert and Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremony. You will receive a limited edition, commemorative ticket as a keepsake to frame and remember this historic event. CLICK HERE to register for your tickets.
And today they are sending out emails far and wide (even to me!) urging people to come to the free and no-ticket-needed concert this afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial:

The 58th Presidential Inauguration

Join us TODAY at our kick-off to inauguration weekend, the Make America Great Again! Welcome Concert!  Performances by Toby Keith, 3 Doors Down, and many more at 4:00 PM at the Lincoln Memorial. General Admission tickets are commemorative and not required for entry into the event.


17 01 2017

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DO NOT go to the Inaugural HILLARY!   Once again you have made the wrong decision.  This time there is still time to make the right one!

It’s because of you and yours that Trump is becoming POTUS and even now only 40% of Americans approve — the fewest ever for an incoming President.   DO NOT compound that by being part of his coronation.   It’s well enough that as a former President Bill will go.   But even he should only do the minimum being there just for the swearing in and departing.

If you are really understanding of what has happened, and why, and if you are really seeking redemption, as you should be, go instead to the protests.  And if you can’t bring yourself to do that on Inauguration day then at least do that the next day for the Women’s March.

But DO NOT try to have it both ways this time and once again  exhibit your undoing.  DO NOT go to the Inauguration one day and then to the Women’s March the next.

Please please Hillary show us that you really care and understand!  DO NOT go to the Inaugural!



TRUMP – Reality vs Psychopathy

16 01 2017

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“If he rips it up, we will burn it” – IRAN

“If he continues…Beijing will take off the gloves – CHINA

Iran and China now represent major historic problems for Trump and Associates.   If he does anything like what he has promised he will there will be immediate confrontation and crisis.    If he does not the psychopathic President will face other demons of his own.

With Iran it’s the “nuclear agreement” worked out so carefully over the past few years, with many countries and the U.N. endorsing it.

With China it’s Taiwan and the South China Sea…the Chinese even threatening a “military” clash.

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Obama’s Real Legacy

15 01 2017

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HOPE:  Gone (ok some will want to believe Faded)

CHANGE:  So much for the worse in too many ways

DOMESTIC LEGACY:   Not much lasting

FOREIGN POLICY LEGACY:   Obama morphed into Neocon-Facilitator


It won’t be easy for what are called progressives in the U.S. to ever seriously believe in HOPE AND CHANGE again.    But worst of all, the real legacy of Barack Obama, and it may be much more lasting this his own, is that whatever the excuses and reasons the failings and lies/distortions of Obama/Clinton/Dems brought to America and to the World TRUMP!

Trump Vs CHINA

13 01 2017

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“We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and, second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.”   Testifying with very well-prepared answers before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Trump’s choice for Sec State added the other day that China’s building of islands and putting military assets on those islands was “akin to Russia’s taking Crimea” from Ukraine.

OK China.  No need to wait.  Indeed dangerous to wait now.  You must now speak and act firmly, right from the get go.   This is no longer the campaign.   Trump is no longer the candidate.   You are now dealing with a never before psychopathic American President and a Cabinet he has filled with anti-China officials in nearly all top positions.  From the Pentagon to the State Department to the National Security Adviser to the top economic positions in the American Government the U.S. is now led by the worst of its imperialists, militarists, super-hawks, and alt-right neocons.

And so you China need to stand up to the fulminating threatening bully.   Even so, do it with tact, with style, with diplomatic language for the most part and even with verbal restraint demonstrating the contrasts with the Americans.  But also find serious ways to show the Trumpies that China will not be bullied.   At the same time make sure your own military build-up substantially escalates and quickly.  Furthermore still make sure your own “soft power” build-up escalates quickly as well —  your recent steps with CCTV are in the right direction but need more and faster.

The best way now to prevent chaos and to prevent war in fact is to show the Americans that this time they have met their match.   You need demonstrate clearly and firmly to the Americans, in both word and deed, what you are made of.  It is they and their allies who have such a record of imperialistic militarism and killing/destruction around the world, not China.  Now when it comes to China and the Pacific the Americans need to be forced to realize that they will not prevail by threats and subterfuge and force, that this time they better find ways other than confrontation.

Dangerous power game in a world of super weapons of mass destruction from nukes to bio to space to cyber?   Indeed yes!    But it will be even more dangerous if you think you can just humor and reason with the new American tyrants.

Azmi Bishara Corrupted

11 01 2017

Among Palestinians the Bishara brothers are special.   One has long been in Israeli prison and sometimes wrongly thought of as a possible Palestinian Mandela.  The other is in exile in Qatar after serving in the Israeli Knesset.   It’s in Qatar that he has been seduced by the money and luxury…as long as he sticks to Palestinian affairs and the terribly harmful”peace process” and stays away from criticizing the Saudis or the Gulf even as they are in alliance with Israel and doing such terrible harm in Syria and Yemen and Bahrain and Libya and beyond.

But it’s in Washington where the Qataris (and the Saudis of course) have brought so much political/financial corruption for so long.   The latest is an organization Bishara funds via Qatar money of course called the Arab Center.   First horrible mistake:  Bishara hired a long-time slippery operative to head it, Khalil Jahshan.   He’s the same guy who years ago lead the National Association of Arab Americans (NAAA) in Washington to its destruction with millions of dollars unaccounted for and probably ending up in the pockets of Jahshan and crony friends.   The Arab Center’s latest con was a badly conceived lunch at the National Press Club which effectively turned Bishara into a front for the collaborating “Palestinian Authority” regime and the totally discredited Israeli puppet stooge Mahmoud Abbas.


9 01 2017

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Already Trump has appointed super hawks along with “Mad Dog” and “unhinged” and “extreme nationalist” Generals to top positions.   Already Trump has announced his intent for the greatest naval and military build-up since World War II.   Already Trump has publicly threatened China and North Korea and beyond using vile language and insulting gestures.

What’s ahead is an exceeding dangerous time in world affairs as the result of the Americans electing this super psychopathic narcissist militarist imperialist racist to be their President.   It is indeed reminiscent in too many ways of Germany in the early 1930s.   But this is a far more dangerous time in world history and today’s weapons are immensely more dangerous than then.   Einstein warned us about what was coming and how we might not survive.  Chomsky has termed the Trump Republican Party the most dangerous political organization in the history of mankind.

So if you are thinking no it’s not so bad and Trump and Company will moderate and be reasonable and not set the world on fire remember this:

Bush/Cheney came to power in 2000 saying America should not be the world policeman, the U.S. should not be constantly intervening in the affairs of other nations, that America should in fact be a much more humble nation concentrating on its own problems.

Then Obama came to office talking about ending all the ongoing wars,  freeing the world from the scourge of nuclear weapons, and bringing about peace in the Middle East…getting him a Nobel Peace Prize right from the get go (of course that should have been recalled a long time ago already!).

But just look at what Bush/Cheney and Obama/Clinton actually did!    And now get ready for….let me repeat….the super psychopathic narcissist militarist imperialist racist taking power in the insecure and lashing out “Divided” States of America!

Support Hamas Not Facebook

7 01 2017

[Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas (Palestine)]

Facebook has now blocked and censored numerous accounts associated with and supporting Hamas.   It is known that the Israelis have been pushing for this for some time.   Senior Israelis, including the former Israeli President, have publicly gone to Facebook HQ pushing for this and many other things the Israelis want from Facebook. Top  Facebook people have also accepted invitations to  go to Israel for p.r. and strategy meetings where they have been severely propagandized and brain-washed.  No doubt there have been many more meetings and efforts unknown and covert.  Sadly American Jew Mark Zuckerberg who founded and controls Facebook has now allowed himself to become an overt Zionist agent.

The U.S. Did It!

6 01 2017

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Let’s get the New Year off to an even more candid and harsh…and dreadfully honest…start than years past!

The Americans are super busy diverting attention by themselves blaming Russia for cyber, Syria, Ukraine, arms race!   The reality is that in each case the Americans have done far more spying, subverting, coups, election manipulation, invasions, arms build-up than Russia…probably more than all the rest of the world combined!   Worst of all of course is how many millions of deaths and millions more injuries and refugees American policies are responsible for!

Just one damning statistic for today:   The U.S. dropped 26,171 bombs last year!

And that’s just the ones we are accountable for from the uniformed military at the Pentagon.   Much more if we were to include covert CIA, covert drones, and all the bombs supplied to mercenary and “moderate rebel” forces by ourselves and our allies.   Indeed, including the weapons supplied by the U.S. to the Saudis and Israelis and others — and if we were to include Yemen and other countries as well — the number would be well over 100,000!


Time for Reflection, Resurrection, Resistance, Revolution

4 01 2017


This is the message I sent to friends last year on Christmas Eve:

“Our world and our lives are full of such intense contradictions.   Immense joys and pleasures for some of us.  Terrible hardships and continual pain with such agonizing suffering for so many others.   Jesus, Abraham, Mohamed, Buddha, Einstein — they would all understand and relate, they would all urge us all to follow their values and teachings with more determination and urgency.    Just observe the actual state of our world today as psychopathic hatreds continue to proliferate while preparations for conflict continue to escalate with the planet itself seeming to be crying out in anguish and despair.   And now, rather than leading the world forward toward true globalism and transnationalism, my own country is going over to the far dark side in ways not even contemplated previously.  So yes a time of joy and celebration.  But also a time for much more serious reflection and resurrection.”

Best Holiday Wishes 2016!


Mark Bruzonsky – WeChat & Whatsapp:  12024951235



Obama: Desperate, Diminished, Departed

3 01 2017

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Once again Putin and Russia have shamed Obama and America.  Whereas Obama looks (and is) desperate with his last-minute political jabs this way and that, Putin looks (and is) statesmanlike with restraint and consistency.  And not only about the diplomatic slaps and sanctions+cyber attacks Obama has ordered on Russia about which Putin has risen thoughtfully above; but also about Syria where Russian arms and diplomacy continue to outmaneuver Obama, as well as about Ukraine and beyond.

Remember as well that even with the Russian-Iran-Turkey-Syria-Lebanon ceasefire in Syria Obama has not only not joined in but rather has ordered an escalation of new more powerful arms to the “moderate” Islamic fighters as well as more economic as well as covert CIA and cyber warfare against Russia.

Furthermore still when it comes to Israel/Palestine the Russians are with the whole world and regardless of Obama’s last-minute much-too-late-too-little “abstention” America is no longer in charge or even very credible.

Worst of all of course the desperate, diminished, and departing Obama has been upended and is about to be flipped by the incoming super-psychopath super-Zionist super-racist and super-dangerous tyrant brought to America and to the world by the largely discredited and failed Obama/Clinton duo.


Trump, Kushner, Friedman = Dangerous Zionist Extremists

1 01 2017

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“Are J Street supporters really as bad as kapos? The answer, actually, is no. They are far worse than kapos – Jews who turned in their fellow Jews in the Nazi death camps. …They are just smug advocates of Israel’s destruction delivered from the comfort of their secure American sofas – it’s hard to imagine anyone worse.”

Make no mistake about it.   When it comes to Israel Trump and his orthodox Jewish son-in-law Kushner, are the most extreme anti-Muslim anti-Palestinian rampant pro-Zionist anti-two-state-solution anti-peace process persons ever to control U.S. policies.   Combine that with a Congress more than ever controlled by the Israeli-Jewish lobby and expect even more dangerous, quite possibly explosive, developments in new year 2017 than the departed year 2016

The quote above is from the Trump/Kushner choice to be the new American Ambassador to Israel — David Friedman — himself an extreme extreme Zionist reactionary long associated with the Israeli “settlers” in the occupied territories and in total opposition to everything stated in the recent unanimous U.N. Security Council Resolution Resolution.